Thursday 15 May 2014

Talk Like a South African

One of the first struggles we had when moving here was trying to figure out what everyone was saying.  We had never heard a word of Afrikaans prior to arriving and then we find out there are ELEVEN national languages in SA. After almost three years of living here, we can now usually pick up on the slang and what people are saying, but I still cannot speak any of the languages myself.  Here are some fun lists to resort to if you ever have the chance to visit SA.

Some other words/terms to add to the lists below that I have learned:
pleasure-your welcome
shame- sorry to hear
dustbin-trash can
waiting in a queue-line
lift-elevator, or to give someone a ride
civvies-casual clothes
swimming costume-swimsuit or bathing suit
trolley-shopping cart
cuppa-cup of coffee

I am sure there are a lot more that I know that I am leaving out, so I will come back and add on as I remember them.

* Fun Fact-A South African friend told me an old Zulu tale about the Tokoloshe, a mischievous troll that would cause trouble and steal or move things. She told me that any time something strange happens, they blame it on the Tokoloshe.

 PS, now now, means whenever they feel like it, lol!

 Matt picked up this shirt at Irene Market and we found it to be useful ;)

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