Wednesday 8 October 2014

Repatriation to the USA

Well, it's been a while to say the least since we have updated our blog. Since our last update, we have moved back to the US. As our family and many SA friends know, we were suppose to be transferred to  San Francisco, CA, but last minute changes happen and we were fortunate enough that the change landed us with family again in our hometown of, Pittsburgh, PA.

It was quite surreal leaving South Africa. You don't realize how much a place and people can become home to you, until you have to leave. I was looking back through our blog the other day, and I said to my husband, "Can you believe we did this?". It still seems unreal that we experienced all of these amazing things. There were so many things that we grew to love about SA, and it was the only home our girls ever really knew as they spent three very impressionable years there. It feels like the end of an era. We could have never dreamt that this experience would have been as amazing as it turned out and I have zero regrets. I would do it all aver again in a heartbeat. The hardest part of it all was leaving so many dear friends who have become a family to us all. The kids especially are missing their friends and schools, but have adjusted quickly to the new ones. They are keeping busy with school and tons of activities, such as soccer, dance, and Girl Scouts. Matt is adjusting to his new job, and we have been very busy with home renovations and unpacking/organizing three years worth of things in storage and things that we brought back from South Africa. We had a storage locker full and also brought back twenty-six pieces of luggage along with another five more that Matt brought back at the end of July. Yes, you read that right, lol. I have attached some photos of our move below.

With that being said, it also feels amazing to be home. Especially now that Autumn, my favorite time of year has begun here in Pennsylvania. I am soaking up the cooler temperatures, stunning trees and the scent of October in the air.  Adventures can be amazing, and I am always open for more to come. But, I now have this sense of calmness around me, that I think is a comforting feeling that you can only have when you truly feel at home. Dorothy said it right, "There's no place like home".

So…until our next adventure, I thought this quote seemed fitting.

Here are some photos of a few goodbyes and our move from South Africa to the United States.


Kenley's last day of school at Tyger Valley College

 Kenley and Mrs. Gievers
 Gia with her teachers, Mrs. Lisa and Miss Sarah
*Fun Fact- Mrs. Lisa, coincidently is also from Pittsburgh, PA! 
She has since moved to Kazakhstan, to continue teaching there.

 Gia's School, AISJ
Our estate, Silver Lakes
Our last girls night out in South Africa. Miss these girl like crazy!

 Our 26 pieces of luggage
 Saying goodbye to our house in South Africa
 Getting comfy for the 16+ hour flight home

 These kids are pros at traveling now
 Goodbye South Africa
 18+ hours later….we made it to the 'Burgh!
Time to pack it all up again….
Welcome home!